I was invited the other day to explore and photograph an abandoned college which, I have to say, was very eerie but a lot of fun. The size of this place was huge and the emptiness was overwhelming. Graffiti covered nearly every wall, vandals had destroyed a lot of the property and what they didn't get mother nature was working on.
Walking though these empty halls you couldn't help but wonder about the history of this place. What students had been educated here and what did they go on to achieve.
I loved the look of the bent Ceiling Fans in this room, almost as if they had melted over time.
Time and the element had lifted the parquetry floor leaving the ground littered with small pieces of timber.
An X formed by debris kind of felt like a warning.....
Paint cans were just left sitting by the Vandals and Artists work....
Outside, Mother Nature was once again taking back what she had previously owned.
Occasionally some of the artwork really stood out and demanded attention. I wasn't sure if this was originally a work of art done by a student with the Graffiti then incorporating it or not. The Caption at the top lead me to believe so.
I am curious about what discussions may have taken place over this table now covered in Palm leaves
This Courtyard now looks more at home in a Zombie Horror movie. I kept expecting to see one walking up these stairs.
Again another piece of Art. Was it there when this place served as a place of learning?
It was absolutely an amazing experience wondering these halls, a place I would love to revisit. Given the chance again however I would take a Flash. As you could see most of these photos were take outside or near windows. There was plenty more I would have loved to have taken and shown but for the lack of light. Needless to say the power bill wouldn't have been payed in quite sometime. :)
Till next time.
It looks like Brisbane City Council has plans to redevelop the site.